Category: Voting

  • Strategies for Collecting Opt-In Consent for a Texting Campaign

    Strategies for Collecting Opt-In Consent for a Texting Campaign

    By ensuring that your contacts genuinely want to receive your messages, you can significantly reduce opt-outs and enhance the overall effectiveness of your texting efforts. Here’s how you can collect opt-in consent and why it’s crucial for minimizing opt-outs. Steps to Collect Opt-In Consent for a Texting Campaign Create Clear and Compliant Opt-In Messages Your…

  • Reduce SMS Opt-Outs with an Effective Opt-In Calling Campaign

    Reduce SMS Opt-Outs with an Effective Opt-In Calling Campaign

    That’s the goal, anyway! Imagine having a highly engaged audience that eagerly awaits your messages, leading to higher conversion rates and stronger loyalty. The secret lies in starting with a well-executed opt-in calling campaign. By obtaining explicit consent through personalized phone calls, you can significantly reduce opt-outs in your subsequent texting campaign. Here’s why this…