Category: HOW TO

  • Strategies for Collecting Opt-In Consent for a Texting Campaign

    Strategies for Collecting Opt-In Consent for a Texting Campaign

    By ensuring that your contacts genuinely want to receive your messages, you can significantly reduce opt-outs and enhance the overall effectiveness of your texting efforts. Here’s how you can collect opt-in consent and why it’s crucial for minimizing opt-outs. Steps to Collect Opt-In Consent for a Texting Campaign Create Clear and Compliant Opt-In Messages Your…

  • Reduce SMS Opt-Outs with an Effective Opt-In Calling Campaign

    Reduce SMS Opt-Outs with an Effective Opt-In Calling Campaign

    That’s the goal, anyway! Imagine having a highly engaged audience that eagerly awaits your messages, leading to higher conversion rates and stronger loyalty. The secret lies in starting with a well-executed opt-in calling campaign. By obtaining explicit consent through personalized phone calls, you can significantly reduce opt-outs in your subsequent texting campaign. Here’s why this…

  • Cross-pollinating between HubDialer’s calling and texting tools

    Cross-pollinating between HubDialer’s calling and texting tools

    How can calling and texting work together? HubDialer’s texting and calling tools serve as complementary measures in modern campaigning and organizing efforts, offering individuals diverse and flexible ways to connect with others. These two communication methods cater to different preferences, situations, and levels of immediacy. Texting, often associated with short written messages, provides a convenient…

  • How to leverage your campaign’s greatest asset: volunteer enthusiasm

    A few newsletters past, we established that a calling campaign is effective and valuable to the extent that the universe is properly segmented and to the extent that compassionate volunteers are harnessed. Write a background & FAQ document: Beyond a call script, share a frequently asked question document that offers answers to common questions agents…

  • How to plan and execute a successful calling campaign strategy

    Corporations utilize a simple model to develop strategic initiatives. This model encourages an organization to envision the future first, then go back to the current realities of the present, determine solutions, and prioritize. Using their approach, let’s map out your campaign’s strategy; it’s as simple as ABCD: Source: The Natural Step Awareness: What defines success…

  • How to build an effective calling program

    Election day is less than 90 days away or even sooner depending on the state’s early vote. Your campaign or organization has probably completed its message mapping – polling, IVR surveys, focus groups. TV and radio have been purchased, and direct mail is likely finalized and off to the printers. Now it’s time to activate…

  • How to run an effective phone bank

    Phone banking is a powerful narrative tool. Phone banks work to the extent that they establish an authentic relationship with voters. That starts with a strong list, segmented to issues that speak to the constituency the most, and delivered by compassionate volunteers (Green & Gerber). Data first An effective phone bank starts with a strong…