Category: Call scripts

  • Reduce SMS Opt-Outs with an Effective Opt-In Calling Campaign

    Reduce SMS Opt-Outs with an Effective Opt-In Calling Campaign

    That’s the goal, anyway! Imagine having a highly engaged audience that eagerly awaits your messages, leading to higher conversion rates and stronger loyalty. The secret lies in starting with a well-executed opt-in calling campaign. By obtaining explicit consent through personalized phone calls, you can significantly reduce opt-outs in your subsequent texting campaign. Here’s why this…

  • Script templates and Required Segments vs Available Segments

    Script templates and Required Segments vs Available Segments

    Script templates Script templates are now available to make campaign creation simple and streamlined. Use a text campaign script in a phone campaign to jumpstart GOTV, or use the same script across multiple campaign types, the power is now in your hands! Simply create a script in any campaign and the HubDialer system will automatically save it as a template. Then when…

  • How to master fundraising scripts: Engage, persuade and succeed

    How to master fundraising scripts: Engage, persuade and succeed

    Fundraising scripts play a crucial role in helping campaigns raise money more effectively. They guide conversations with potential donors, ensuring that the message is clear, concise and persuasive.  A well-crafted fundraising script can distinguish between a successful fundraising campaign and one that falls. When understanding the importance of fundraising scripts and how to create and…

  • How to write an effective volunteer recruitment (VR) script that works!

    How to write an effective volunteer recruitment (VR) script that works!

    Recruiting volunteers is crucial for any political or nonprofit organization looking to make a meaningful impact in its community. Volunteers are the vital ingredient of many organizations and campaigns. They provide the manpower and skills organizations need to achieve their goals and missions.  However, finding the right volunteers and convincing them to join your cause…